On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate to
3rd International Symposium ISYGE 2022
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The Laboratory of Mineral Resources & Environment (LRME) at Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis EL MANAR Tunisia & The Tunisian Association of Women Geoscientist, organize the Third International Congress on GeoResources & the Environment ISYGE-2022 scheduled for March 21-23 ,in Hammamet, Tunisia.
The Symposium is a three-day event featuring guest lectures and special sessions (oral and poster presentations of scientific researches).
A special space will be dedicated to the exhibition of innovative products. More details on the Symposium will be attached to the first circular.
Special attractions :
Excellent speakers from industries and universities will attend this event. Interdisciplinary relationships with the fields of geomaterials, environment and sustainable development will be consolidated.
Fieldtripswillbeorganizedtothe the Southern Structural province of Tunisia ( see detailed program)